Education Program Major Activities and More

     Major Activities:

Some of the major activities accomplished by education program are:

o    Continuous capacity building trainings

o    Both and inter-region and cross country experience sharing visits

o    Timely monitoring and follow-up activities

o    Community sensitization discussions

o    Provision of educational materials and school facilities

o    Construction and rehabilitation of classrooms, libraries, toilets and other school premises

o    Facilitate the linkage process among College Teachers’ Educations and primary schools

       Results achieved

*  Capacitated the school teachers in child centered active learning methods

*  Increased participation of community and other stakeholders in school improvement activities

*  Improved students’ assertiveness academic achievement and

*  Created child friendly and conducive school environments 

*  Enabled schools children become change agents in their school

10.       Challenges and lesson learnt:      

10.1 Challenges

The major challenges faced by the program are:

·         Mismatch between the needs in the school and the financial capacity to fulfil all shortcomings

·         High turnover of education experts and teachers

10.2 Lesson Learnt:

In the last years, the program has learnt that enabling and capacitating the stakeholders has indispensable role not on in achieving the desired goals but also to sustain the project.  Once the local actors are empowered and given opportunity to run the project, the possibility of achieving the project objectives increases. At the same time, the projects’ premises and yields are likely to sustain beyond the project lifetime.

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