Child Wellbeing and Education Development Program Tools and Approaches


SLSSH Student Lead School Sanitation and Hygiene

this is an approach in which students in school establish clubs and lead their school sanitation and hygiene activities.


SMT School Management

teams responsible to achieve the highest standard of effective teaching and learning in the school environment by creating conditions and structures to support and develop effective learning and teaching.


ATL Active Teaching

is a method that enables students to grasp knowledge through thinking, reading, writing, discuss problem-solving.


ASR Accelerated School

is a program for advancing children’s learning at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular preschool program within a short period.


Accelerated learning program

A shortened curriculum that responds to Education in Crises situations.


LSM Life Skill Manual

manuals used for the emotional and social development of children and youth. The manuals are designed to fill the missing or less focused content in the curriculum and education to promote independence, self-management, social cohesion, and co-existence.


Local Story Book

designed to help students easily understand the indigenous knowledge of their community thoughts and enhance their social and communication skills.


Star School Model

is a comprehensive model to improve school learning, teaching, management, school environment, and community participation.


On/off task Filming

it is a practical assessment of a teacher’s capability in the provision of learning and analysis of the practice indicates problems and the intervention direction.


AkVo flow/ Edu.q card

is an innovative technology that uses an app to assess the level of school in various components with the involvement of the school community, parents, education expertise, and program person.