Support for Communities affected by drought and floods in Ayssaita district is in progress

The effects of Elino is continued to be a challenge in affecting the lives of the communities in Afar National Regional State. Women, children and old age people are the most affected community groups by these hazards. Eventhogh the government of Ethiopia is attempting its best in supporting the peoples most affected by these hazards, contributions of all other charity organizations is highly in demand to safe the lives of these community groups and their animals. Development Expertise Center has positively responded to improve the lives of these communities in Ayssaita district. A discussion is held with the district Disaster Risk Reductions and preparedness and project technical committees on how to proceed to provide the support and conduct home based situational assessments in 13 Kebele’s of the district. The situational assessment results are expected to investigate further challenges the community are facing in the coming 4-6 months and the possible solutions

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