Expected Results of Gender & Life Skills Development Program

The program Gender and Life Skills Development aims in achieving the following results:

  • Enhanced prevention knowledge and awareness on SRH and HIV/AIDS
  • Increased community’s support to achieve SRH education using contextualized, evidence based, and age appropriate manuals
  • Increased awareness and perception of health experts on sexuality, gender and SRH
  • Positive behavioral development and healthy decision making of adolescent and young people is improved
  • Enhanced capacity of facilitators, school principals, Advisory Committee offices, religious and traditional leaders, PTA members, and other key stakeholders in the area of SRH
  • Promoted understanding of SRH among all teachers of the targeted schools, and the families of the students
  • Improved linkage of SRH education and information to religious and clan leaders, health care providers, parents to increase synergy and sustainability of the program