The ADEQUATE Farm ( Innovative agricultural practice and commodity value chain development) The ADEQUATE: Adept –Qualified – Technology (ADEQUATE) farming project is an innovative project planned to enable four mutually interdependent cooperative members increase their income, involve them in full time job, and create market chain for their products which ultimately improve their food security on sustainable way and create future investment capital for small holder farmers. The project is implemented in Liben Chukala, districts of East Shewa Zone, Oromiya Regional State and supports 220 members. The project has started in October 2013.
What innovative practices are introduced to the cooperatives?
a. Micro irrigation and multiple cropping patterns: 
Spring which has capacity of discharging water at rate of 20L/second has been developed. The potential of the scheme being developed enables the coops to irrigate more than 20 hectares of farm land efficiently and sustainably and harvest three times a year.
b. The use of improved breeds :
In collaboration with experts from relevant government sectors and direct involvement of coops HYV of goats, pigs and chickens have been selected.

c. The use of concentrated  animal feeds that could give best result in short periods of time

The Project introduced the use of concentrated feeds for goats and pigs. The animal fodder cooperatives produce sweet potatoes, alfa alfa and oats and supply it to the animal coops. The feeds make animal fatten in short time span. This enables the farmer to join viable market
d. Agricultural commodity Value addition and market oriented production: 
The farmers work to supply fattened goats and gigs to big Hotels and meet exporting enterprises in nearby towns like Mojo.
Complementary business relations model of the ADEQUATE project



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